For $2,000 you will be fully equipped to have the best chance at success in growing your Agency. Not only will you have the knowledge necessary to grow and manage an agency, but you will receive access to each of the guides in the course along with the right to be able to re-skin each guide for your company and your use.
Blitzmetrics, Dennis Yu, Logan Young – Agency Management Course
You spend all this time talking to potential clients– they appear to have money, interest, and clear need for your services. But somehow they don’t buy– they went with someone else, balked at the price, were just milking you for free consulting, or turned out to be jerks. How do you avoid all this?
If you’re a consultant, freelancer, or agency, do you see what’s happening here? Unless they have clear need, don’t try to sell them on a service. And unless they walk into your office, don’t go out of your way to talk to them.
But what about generating leads, you say?
I can’t just sit there hoping that if I build it, they will come– we have to sell, right? Yes, and you do that by putting out a lead magnet– a demonstration of your expertise.
And you qualify these people by using the “strategy assessment” to get their goals, content, and targeting.
As much as the would-be client wants to get straight to action, we always follow these 3 sequential steps.
Metrics is to collect information– called the “strategy assessment” and access checklist. That means we have not only their GCT (goals, content, targeting), but access to their analytics and ads.
Analysis is where they must pay for our time, so we can properly diagnose the issues and make a recommendation. We don’t do this for free– our time is valuable and they must respect it by buying a “Power Hour”.
Action is the treatment plan, or our plan to help you solve these problems. With a plan in place first, everything runs more smoothly. And like any successful operation, every procedure is governed by a checklist with the price associated with that package.
Growing and Managing your Social Agency Step-by-Step
Whether you are a solo consultant or an agency looking to tune your operations, repeatable excellence is something we all seek. With our agency growth training, you will learn how to go from being a freelancer to a “fully equipped” agency. This course includes the following guides as well as training videos and quizzes along the way to make sure you understand each piece of the Agency Growth “puzzle”.
Build your inbound lead flow (no need to cold call again) via the LIGHTHOUSE client method. Tune your offering (establish packages of what you do and DON’T do, with checklists and referral partners). Find, hire, manage, and develop your staff (arguably, the biggest challenge of any business). Price your offerings competitively (which usually means charging way more). Get your own social presence in order– website, FB page, plumbing, ads account, etc (the cobbler’s son has no shoes).
You’ll learn how to streamline your business and solve common client challenges. Not just this, but you’ll also walk away with the following materials and checklists that you can apply to your business immediately — creating “repeatable excellence”.