No Other Letter I Have Ever Sent You Has As Much Potential To Dramatically Change Your Life For The Better As This One…If You Are Involved Or Very Seriously Interested in Direct Marketing Or The Business Of Publishing And Marketing Information Products
Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing
No Other Letter I Have Ever Sent You Has As Much Potential To Dramatically Change Your Life For The Better As This One…
…If You Are Involved Or Very Seriously Interested in Direct Marketing Or The Business Of Publishing And Marketing Information Products
Who else wants to be an info/direct marketing millionaire?
From the Desk of Dan Kennedy
Monday, July 8, 2019
Dear Friend,
I will be direct and to the point, with no warm-up.
In my career, for myself and my clients, I’ve sold well over half-a-Billion Dollars worth of information products! (If you added in the money made by many more “students” of mine who have followed my examples and instruction, it’s over several billion dollars.)
I have made a personal fortune — and made millions of dollars for many clients — in the business of conceptualizing, creating, publishing and marketing “info products”, from $10 books to $15,000.00 “courses”, sold via every means imaginable.
If you can name a scenario involving marketing information, I’ve dealt with it. My track record in this specialized niche is virtually unmatched.
*** For the first time, and for one time only, I put on an intense 3-day-and-nights seminar where I taught absolutely everything I know about turning info-products into fortunes. Over 250 attended, coming from as far away as Japan and Australia. Each paid at least $3,475.00 to attend. This seminar will never repeat. If you missed it, you missed a rarest-of-rare opportunity to hear from somebody who has really made a fortune and guided many others in doing the same, in the fascinating field of ‘information products’. ***
As you would guess, the reason for this letter, now, is that we did record the entire 34-hour (!!!) seminar, then carefully edited and condensed those recordings into two “Highlights Packages”, one audio, one video, and have made it possible for you to “attend” at home.
In this letter, I’m going to tell you all about this unprecedented program, exactly what I revealed, and do everything I can to help you make a wise decision, whether or not you should make the rather substantial investment of time and money required to “attend”, via the tapes.
This requires a long letter. I know you’re busy, maybe not blessed with patience. But I am serious when I say that no other letter I have ever written has as much potential to dramatically change your life for the better as this one. So I hope you’ll take the time to read it thoroughly. And I must urge you to do so immediately – it includes a very limited HALF-PRICE offer you may not want to miss.
If I don’t make at least a $1,000.00 a day from my information products, almost all of it arriving through my mail, my Websites, the fax machine, I’m very, very grumpy. And I do make that – and more – nearly every day, whether I do any work or not. Last year, my wife, Carla and I took a 7 day Alaska cruise, several other vacations, I took over 70 days off to “fool” around with our racehorses, Carla visited our daughter and new grandson in Washington, D.C. almost every other week for a few months – and the money kept streaming in. The point is – this type of business offers not only the income, but the freedom to live as you please.
And I have dozens and dozens of clients who’ve “modeled” me, and created millionaire lifestyles of their own as “info-marketers.” WHY NOT YOU?
Imagine….. joining me and many of my clients, “students”, and Platinum Members in an ideal “business lifestyle”… owning info-products that once birthed, for as little as a few hundred dollars of investment and a week of work, deliver income year after year after year……orders arriving via the Internet, mail, a phone service, orders being shipped for you, and huge profits flowing into your bank account every day whether you even drop by your office or not, or on a cruise, a beach, in a mountain cabin……having other info-entrepreneurs engaged in joint ventures with you, doing all the “heavy lifting”, selling your info-products to their customers, and sending you big checks……
And note, I’m talking about YOUR OWN PROPRIETARY PRODUCTS that you create, own and control – and I promise, even if you can’t write a grocery list or are “all thumbs” at the computer, you CAN quickly develop very valuable info-products of your own.
With my life’s blueprint – and my client’s examples – to follow, you CAN develop your own “perfect business”.…. Few or NO employees, NO office overhead, most “work” done FOR you by outside vendors, sales done AUTOMATICALLY, little or no personal contact with customers, multiple streams of income from your products – from your own advertising, mailings, Internet marketing AND from distribution by many others..… every time the FAX beeps, money for you! The day’s mail, money for you!
Why wouldn’t you want to live such a profitable business lifestyle to the greatest extent possible?
So, let me tell you about this “home study package” based on my once-in-a-lifetime, tell-it-ALL seminar you missed, entirely, exclusively and totally devoted to the a-to-z’s of making money with direct marketing and in the information business:
I taught virtually the entire seminar. From 8:30AM right through to 9:30PM the first two days, 8:30AM – 3:30PM the 3rd, as close to non-stop as humanly possible. There were NO guest speakers, only a few quick “panel discussions.”
By the way, the longest presentation about info-marketing I’ve ever given at anybody else’s seminar or conference has been two hours. Imagine what I can do with over 30 “classroom” hours!
*I’m less than 500 days away from real “semi-retirement”, as I write this letter – cutting way, way back on speaking, teaching, consulting. Divesting my businesses.
Savvy Marketers from all over the world traveled to hear Dan reveal his secrets for making a bundle in the information publishing and direct marketing business. Even long time pros, some multi-millionaires, couldn’t believe all the “pearls of wisdom” Dan shared.
I poured my heart and soul into this specialized seminar, which was offered only to my Inner Circle Members, because the information business has enabled me to create such independence and security, I really wanted my Members intrigued with this kind of business to have exactly the same opportunity. Originally, it was my intent to make the seminar itself AND the highlights packages available only to my own Members, each as only a one-time offer. But Michael Kimble has convinced me to “open the doors” via the recordings to any of his customers who have a strong, serious interest in this particular type of business – his words: “it would be a crime to keep it from them and retire with it locked away in your closet ….. it’s almost like taking some powerful secret people could use to improve their lives with you into the grave.”
So I thought it over, and I have decided I want you to have this, too…
I am holding nothing back. Nothing. Every iota of experience, successful AND unsuccessful, and knowledge I have acquired in 25+ years of “info-alchemy” will be laid bare before you.
To prepare, I’ve started the arduous (yet stimulating) task of going back through archival files dating back to 1975; literally a room full, floor to ceiling, wall to wall, of ads, sales letters, products, client files, my own project files; investing months of hard work, organizing everything I want to give you, making sure I leave nothing out, no stone unturned. A sampling of the information I gave out at this seminar — and kept in the edited pages — is listed on this page, but it does not even come close to doing justice to everything revealed.
Here, let me check off some of the most important “secrets” definitely included in this “Info-Publishing/Direct Marketing Business System”
Examples of “guerrilla warrior approaches” to launching or testing new info-businesses with cheapskate budgets – for example: how I launched my first info-products, in tiny target markets, with “free” lists. KNOWING WHAT I HAVE LEARNED OVER 20 YEARS, AT CONSIDERABLE EXPENSE, ABOUT CHOOSING A MARKET, SLICING ‘N DICING THAT MARKET, DISCOVERING ITS MOST BURNING, PASSIONATE DESIRES AND MATCHING INFO-PRODUCT OFFERS TO THOSE DESIRES IS TRULY A MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF KNOWLEDGE.
Analytical examination of dozens and dozens of different successful info-products… classics, contemporary, brand new..…what makes them sell so well?…..what “ingredients” to build into your info-product to support the strongest possible sales pitch, to assure customer satisfaction, to provide greatest possible profitability.
The exact, detailed criteria I and my clients use to ferret out and target ultra-responsive, rabid markets..…which I’ve never presented in entirety before.
Insights into “niches” and “subcultures”, so you can be a more adept “hunter” of prime target markets – fully supported with actual examples “hidden” from the casual observer
Most commonly made, costliest info-product development mistakes to avoid.
How to make product development easier, faster, cheaper.
Insider,pro strategies for finding, obtaining, testing and using mailing lists.
How to buy media like an experienced pro – and not be taken advantage of.
Media choices offering low-cost/high-yield: Broadcast FAX, postcards, oversize postcards, package inserts, ride-alongs.
How to exploit many different “distribution opportunities” for your info-products requiring NO AD OR MARKETING DOLLARS OF YOUR OWN, and tapping into others’ carefully guarded customers.
An exhaustive, in-depth look at Joint Ventures, arguably the highest-profit way to multiply your wealth based on a “solid” info-product. EXACTLY HOW TO PUT TOGETHER A MULTI-FACETED MARKETING MACHINE THAT WILL SERVE YOU WELL DAY IN, DAY OUT, POTENTIALLY FOR YEARS AND YEARS TO COME.
Hundreds of “little tricks” that pay off big – like the phone number “gimmick” that boosts response to almost any ad or broadcast-FAX by 30% to 40%. Like: what to add to an order form to boost net profits by 25% or more.
How to take a once effective but dying ad and give it new life, with one simple change.
Hundreds of “little nuances” shown to you in ads, letters, FAXes, etc. both for selling to new customers and to established customers….. A LIFETIME OF MY MOST EFFECTIVE WORK, INCLUDING EXAMPLES THAT I HAVE NEVER BEFORE SHOWN IN SEMINARS OR PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE.
In total, you get a truly COMPLETE “PICTURE” of an info-business, from the very first ad to acquire the very first customer all the way to a mature business with 2/3rds to 3/4ths of its income derived from the “back end”, with continuity and renewable income, periodic BIG paydays, a complex matrix of profit centers and income streams…..a business engineered for near 100% auto-pilot operation, for the ideal lifestyle…..a business generating both current, high income and long-term equity, value and wealth.
I believe you will be INSPIRED by this “picture”… will PROFIT from this comprehensive inside-look, more detailed understanding… will be fully equipped to launch OR to “super-charge” your own info-business.
Here’s Exactly What’s Included:
(Be careful just lifting the box)
INFO RICHES SEMINAR 21 AUDIO CD’s professionally recorded and edited by Steve Tyra, in my opinion, THE best editor of spoken word audio in the business. Over 27 hours of the 3 days are here, including my presentations, lively question-answer sessions, panel discussions where quizzed guest experts and successful clients, and much more. That’s an incredible 27 hours!!!
COMPLETE WRITTEN TRANSCRIPTS of the audio CD’s to make note-taking, highlighting, and subsequent reference as easy as possible for you.
MY INTEGRATED MONEYMAKING SYSTEMS CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS Before this Seminar, I kept these to myself. Even my private clients paying $6,800.00 a day, some paying me $100,000.00 and more a year NEVER saw these diagrams and charts. These “pull everything together” so you have complete understanding of very sophisticated marketing models.
A GIANT “SAMPLE BOOK” OF ADS, SALES LETTERS, CATALOG PAGES and other marketing tools and examples discussed during the Seminar – including some of my earliest successful ads, even my very first ads..…including successful examples I’ve never shown off at a seminar or in a course. I promise, you can “live off of” this collection of “winners” by itself! I’ve even included examples of “raw copy” as I deliver it to my copywriting clients in the first draft, so you can see my thinking process, and how a winning promotion evolves. You cannot get many of these samples in any other resource.
“(At Least) 77 Compelling Reasons Why This ‘Secret Weapon’ Will Wind Up Putting More Money In Your Bank Account Than Any Other Business Tool You’ve Every Acquired, Period.”
Take a look at this list, which represents only a tiny sampling of every discovery, secret, strategy, and shortcut waiting for you……surely one of these hits your curiosity button with atomic force, doesn’t it? Surely you can see something here certain to boost your income, if you only knew about it and could immediately use it?
Info Product Development
1.How to “build in” content and mechanisms in one product that automatically sells another
2. Three biggest mistakes made when putting together info-products
3. Acquiring product or product content from others
4. Finding, hiring and using freelance researchers and writers
5. Finding, hiring and using ghost-writers
6. Where to find experts by-the-boatload who will cheerfully contribute to your info- products, free (pay them nothing, not even a royalty)
7. How to create products that have exceptional sales appeal
8. How to create products that have a “sales story”
9. How to create products that others will want to sell
10. Command exceptionally high prices and maintain high margins
11. How to create and sustain a continuity program and “lock in” stable monthly cash flow and income
12. Prolific product development
13. How to get a higher price via “limited continuity”: a different way to package and sell a high-priced product
14. How to get a 6 CD album done in 1 day: from idea to finished product
15. How to read — the daily newspapers, trade journals, etc. — for good info-product ideas, titles, content
16. Rapid Research: how to get all the raw material you need for a new info-product organized in one week
17. How to set product prices (for maximum profit)
18. A discussion of product media incl. CD’s, Audio, Video, Print, etc.
19. Delivery of info-content to customers via the Internet
20. What to “build in to” info-products to minimize returns and refunds
21. How to add a lot of perceived value to products at little or no cost
22. How to get and use Public Domain material free
The Newsletter Business
23. Why, when and how to profitably use a “free” newsletter
24. How to build a paid circulation newsletter business
25. Paid Newsletter Renewals: what works, what doesn’t
26. How to make “content” for a really good newsletter easy (4 tactics)
Multiple Income Sources
27.How to license your products for non-competitive use by others
28. Pros, cons, dangers, details of international or territorial licensing
29. Re-cycling old product for new income
30. Marrying info-products with info-services
31. How to get paid for access to your customers: exploiting the Toll Booth Position
Business Operations & Financial Success Strategies
32. How to identify, nurture and exploit the Hyper-Responsive customer
33. How to minimize customer service without creating customer dissatisfaction
34. Outsourcing: options, problems, quality control
35. Five Poisonous Patterns that destroy successful info-product businesses: how my clients have shot themselves in the foot
36. Rapid Market Research: 5 things to do, to get a more thorough understanding of a target market
37. How to use continuity-type products to create stable, predictable cash flow AND equity AND more valuable customers
38. What to do to extend the life span of an info-biz in a small niche
39. A discussion of the Publish-On-Demand approach to the business
40. Legal Hazards specific to info-products
41. Long-Term Vision: how to create Wealth via info-products
42. Will “books” be extinct? – Paper-n-ink vs. the Internet
43. How to use an info-products biz to make any vacation anywhere tax-deductible
44. How info-marketers have successfully “re-invented” themselves after saturating a market
45. How to test an idea as quickly and cheaply as possible
Advertising & Marketing
46. Why, when and how to use Self-Liquidating Lead Generation
47. 1-Step advertising: appropriate uses, effective techniques
48. Multi-Step Marketing: appropriate uses, effective technique
49. A look at info-marketers’ use of Celebrities and Celebrity Endorsements
50. How to get FREE Celebrity Endorsements
51. Ten different ways to use Testimonials
52. Offer Options: how to structure the most appealing Offer
53. When and how to change the offer during a marketing sequence
54. Payment Terms: variety of ways to structure and present payments
55. How to write, present and manage Guarantees, to maximize sales
56. How to use Premiums to drive the sale
57. How to best utilize new marketing technologies incl. tele-conferences, recorded messages, broadcast FAX, broadcast Voice Mail, e-mail
58. How to create Credibility for info-products
59. How to create Believability for info-products
60. 14 Steps to “World Class Expert” status
61. How does “brand identity” work in the info-products business?
62. How to make a fortune giving your info-products away for free
63. Info-product sales strategies from “E.R.”, the Mafia, the devil, James Bond, Ed McMahon, Ted Turner
Radio & Television
64. The changed and changing face of the infomercial world
65. The only sensible way for an info-marketer to use TV right now
66. How to use “talk radio” to test……to market
67. How to sell a million dollars of info-products a year doing interviews at home, sitting on your patio
68. Lead generation via spot radio advertising
Trade Secrets
69. In the past 3 years, Platinum Inner Circle Members, all info-product marketers, have paid over $200,000.00 in fees to attend their meetings, to share “what works”, and combined, these Members have sold well over 50-Million Dollars of info-products during that time period. Without violating specific confidences, many of the discoveries made, “guinea-pig’d” and shared by these marketers are shared on these CD’s and DVD’s.
70. The 5 secrets of creating “Customers For Life”, each with value exceeding thousands to tens of thousands of dollars.
71. Why, when and how to compete with yourself in a given market
72. How to periodically set up “Giant Pay-Days” within your Info-Product Business
73. Exit Strategies: 5 ways info-biz owners extract large “walk away money” from their businesses, when the time comes
74. A Lifetime Of Homework: my personal daily/weekly/monthly reading list….what every info-marketer must read
75. 7 Million Dollar Lessons About Customer Behavior That I’ve Observed In Horses – just paying attention to this “Big 7” will save and make you a ton of money
76. Copywriting: as you know, two years ago I conducted a complete seminar exclusively about copywriting – here we will review and examine the critically important keys as they relate specifically to selling info-products and How to get top-drawer direct-response copywriters to work for you for free
77. How to virtually GUARANTEE that a new info-product and the marketing of it will be successful and profitable. Exactly how to write yourself an “insurance policy” against loss or failure.
Unique, unusual envelope designs that get opened.….Order Forms designed with “rocket science” thoroughness and precision to maximize response.
From my archives: THE very first ads I ever wrote and ran, for my first info-products, and for my first clients.….one of my earliest sales letters for info-products and the amazing “secret” it contains….. Examine some of my longest-running, most profitable ads, including “An Open Letter From A Once-Flat-Broke Nebraska Housewife”…..Joe Polish’s lead generation ads.….
Powerful, high-performing sales letters, including the current Nightingale-Conant “control” for my MAGNETIC MARKETING SYSTEM. Examples from clients and attendees at this seminar…..those selling to business niches, hobbyists, “unusual”, offbeat markets..…my “Why Would A Wealthy Man…?” letter that made millions for a client. Little “lift notes” and “Post-it Notes” that give big boosts to response.
Join me in dissecting and analyzing “million dollar sales letters”…..letters I’ve been paid $25,000.00 to $100,000.00 to write, letters that have literally created million dollar successes from scratch.
You even get examples of “raw copy” as I delivered to clients, before it was ultimately turned into successful direct-mail campaigns, so you see the “evolutionary process” from the very beginning – for example, one renewal campaign that converted 2/3rds of a client’s customers from “low price” to “high price.”
Original lead-generation ads that launched million dollar info-businesses – actual ads from over a dozen different individuals shown and discussed. Examples of “winner” and “loser” ads for the same product, why one worked, the other didn’t.
From 43 or 44 hours of classroom time and hundreds and hundreds of examples shown and discussed, I’ve hand-picked THE most useful and valuable minutes, THE most valuable models, cut out all the “chaff”, and built a HIGHLIGHTS PROGRAM that compresses, condenses and efficiently presents my entire, systemized, step-by-step approach to developing a hugely profitable “info empire.”
And in addition to my “lifetime of know-how”, you’ll hear me quiz people like Ken McCarthy, the only person I trust re. Making money via the Internet..…Joe Sabah, who has sold an unbelievable number of books “in his bathrobe” via talk radio..…Jeff Paul, the “$4,000.00 A Day” man…..and a handful of other information giants.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing
Dan Kennedy – Info Riches And Advanced Direct Marketing : Sample