Have you ever seen a bunch of gears working together? It’s incredibly beautiful to watch as one gear turns another, which turns another, which ultimately creates the desired outcome.
Edward Mills – Abundance Quest
How to Create Prosperity in YOUR Life
So You Can Contribute and
Share Your Gifts From Fullness!
A Note from Edward Mills
Dear Abundant Mystic,I’m on a mission to help you remember and reclaim your birthright: TRUE Abundance!
You were conceived from and born into a world of overflowing abundance and that, my friend, is your natural state.
The problem is, along the way to adulthood, you forgot your natural state.
The messages from the people around you (even the ones who loved you the most), the experiences you had and the lessons you learned often conflicted with your deep inner knowing that this world is abundant.
If you were like me, you tried to hold onto that connection to your natural state as long as possible.
But, in the end, the forces pointing you in the other direction wore you down. With all of the encouraging advice to “be realistic” and “save for a rainy day” and “play it safe” … it was finally easier to just give in and go with the flow.
When you’re alone (and young), trying to hold onto your natural state of abundance in the face of so much conflicting information is tiring, exhausting even!
What happened is your natural state of abundance faded into the background and you began living like the people around you… as if there wasn’t enough to go around and you needed to work hard or find someone to take care of you.
But always, deep within you, was a small, quiet, voice in the background.
It’s the voice of TRUE Abundance – your true nature.
And it’s always been there, whispering to you in brief moments of silence or awe or gratitude. And you never completely shut it down (although some people do!)
Some part of you remained open to that voice, and now it has guided you here because you are ready to remember and reclaim your birthright. You are ready to create the life of TRUE Abundance that has been waiting for you your entire life!
Welcome to the 30-Day Abundance Quest. Congratulations! I am so grateful you listened to that quiet voice within and have come to find out more about this program.
Enough is ENOUGH!
Whatever brought you to this page my guess is that you’ve had enough:
- Enough of the struggle
- Enough of the worry
- Enough of the doubt
- Enough of the fear
- Enough of the not enough…
But I bet you also recognize some of the incredible blessings in your life! You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have a lot of appreciation. Without gratitude you wouldn’t be ready for the TRUE Abundance that awaits you. Not yet!
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But here you are… and so, clearly, it’s time for you to say YES to your birthright.
It’s time for YOU to start creating a life of TRUE Abundance!
You’re NOT Alone Anymore
At some point, perhaps for most of your life, you may have felt alone, that there was no one around you who could understand and help you explore your connection to TRUE Abundance.
You probably felt like you didn’t belong, didn’t fit in. At times, you may have even felt a bit crazy.
But here’s the good news… You are NOT alone anymore.We’re here, with you, to support you, to grow with you, to welcome you and to let you know that you are NOT crazy, you are NOT alone and you DO belong here!
And we’re here to remind you that abundance IS your natural state and to help you reconnect to that quiet voice inside you and to reclaim your birthright.
Scarcity is a HABIT
Contrary to what most people believe and what we’ve been taught, scarcity is NOT reality! Scarcity is not even a state.
Scarcity is a habit.
What does that mean? Well, it means that you can kick the scarcity habit just like you can quit smoking, lose weight and stop checking email 30 times a day!
It still might not be easy (ask someone who has quit smoking!) but changing a habit is a heck of a lot easier than changing “reality”!
When You Break Out of the HABIT of Scarcity, You Will:
- Discover that you are no longer scared or worried about your finances
- Feel a sense of deep trust and acceptance
- Wake up energized and excited for the blessings that await you in the new day
- Discover the passion for your unique work in the world and the gifts you have to offer
- Be willing to say NO to things (and people) that are not aligned with and supportive of your vision
- Show up more fully and effectively as a powerful messenger for the Shifting consciousness
- Step into a dynamic, co-creative relationship with source
- Be amazed at the surprising and brilliant ways that life conspires to support your dreams
- Experience moments of happiness, joy and love for no reason
Abundance is your birthright and in a perfect world you (and all of us) would have grown up in an environment that nurtured and supported your connection to TRUE Abundance.
In that environment, you would have learned to view reality through the lens of abundance. You would have thought, believed and acted in ways that were aligned with abundance…
But you didn’t grow up that way. So abundance is not second nature to you. It’s not your normal state of awareness.
So until you get back to the place where abundance IS your normal state of awareness you need to create a structure and system that will help you overcome your abundance blocks and consistently activate abundance in your life.
That’s where the 5 Manifestation Keys come in.
Those five keys are:
- Vision
- Intention
- Belief
- Vibration
- Action
When you activate the 5 Keys (all of them!) on a daily basis you will – literally – reprogram your brain and body to align with abundance.
Now, don’t worry. Activating these 5 Keys is not difficult. It’s actually quite simple, and you’re probably activating several of them already.
The challenging part is learning how to activate all 5 Keys at the same time. That’s where the glitches come in and where the 30-Day Abundance Quest comes to the rescue.
One Rusty Gear Stops Them All
Have you ever seen a bunch of gears working together? It’s incredibly beautiful to watch as one gear turns another, which turns another, which ultimately creates the desired outcome.
The gears all work together, amplifying the initial energy fed into the system. It’s a true example of the sum being more powerful than the individual parts.
The problem is that the entire system is dependent on the proper functioning of each individual gear.
If one gear breaks or gets stuck, it stops, or slows down all of the other gears and the entire system.
The same is true in the process of manifesting more of what you want.
When all five of the manifestation keys are activated and running smoothly, the outcome – the manifested result – is always more powerful than the initial energy flowing into the system.
But if even just one of those five keys is stuck or stopped or not activated in your life, it causes the entire system to slow down and potentially stop completely.
In order to manifest and attract more of what you want, consciously, all five of the manifestation keys must be activated.
How Do I Know?
I know what it feels like because I spent much of my life with one or more of these manifestation keys broken or stuck.
I’ve lived through times of wondering how I was going to pay the rent and put food on the table. In fact, I’ve traveled pretty far down into the scarcity rabbit hole.
But all the time I was down there I knew there was a reason… I knew I was in that place to learn something, to grow, to find an answer.
Now I understand why I had to spend so much time down in that rabbit hole… The time I spent down there allowed me to formulate this system and now helps me to guide you from a place of understanding, empathy and compassion.
I created the 30-Day Abundance Quest because I wanted a system that worked for myself. It was an awesome bonus when I found out that it worked for others as well!
Simplicity and Consistency
I’ll admit it: I’ve been known to make things complicated when they don’t have to be!
When it comes right down to it, abundance is really simple.
It’s actually so simple that our oh-so-very-helpful minds usually end up doing whatever they can to make it really complicated! (In case you haven’t noticed, your mind feels important when it has complicated things to figure out.)
It’s been proven that taking short, simple actions CONSISTENTLY is much more effective at breaking negative habits than taking some long, drawn out, complicated action once and then waiting for the results.
That’s why you’ve probably experienced the “Seminar Effect” when you go to a super high-energy event and feel so excited that your life has changed and everything is going to be amazing when you return home…
Of course “reality” kicks in a few days or modules later and the “high” from the event wears off, and you find yourself right back in the same patterns you were in before the event.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love those high-energy events, and they definitely do serve a purpose in your personal growth.
But if I had to choose one OR the other, I would go for a program that gave me simple, step-by-step guidance and a plan to implement the program consistently, over an extended period. That’s where the big lasting changes happen.
And that’s what the 30-Day Abundance Quest is all about.
The beauty of the 30-Day Abundance Quest is that it short-circuits your mind’s ability to add complexity into the system. And when you follow the workbook, you’ll have a daily set of simple, easy and FAST steps that activate all five of the manifestation keys.
And when you do this consistently, every day, for 30 days, you’ll have created a whole new habit pattern in your life.
Consistent, small, simple, abundance-enhancing actions are what will lead you to TRUE Abundance!
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It just keeps getting better!
Once you go through the 30-Day Abundance Quest you will have a system and tools that you can keep using as you continue your journey into TRUE Abundance. The more consistently you consciously activate all five of the manifestation keys, the faster you will create an abundant life with more of the things that you want.
Here are the Specific Ways the Abundance Quest Will Work to Transform YOU:
A Safe, Fun and Effective Transformational Space
I’ve learned during the past 15 years of teaching and coaching that the best content can be worthless if it’s not delivered in an environment that is conducive to learning and transformation. My intention is for this quest to be safe, fun and effective for you. And I’ve worked hard to create a structure and container that will let you go as deep as you want, safely, while also remembering the importance of playfulness and fun.
Proven Tools, Techniques and Processes
This program contains the most effective and simplest processes I know of to quickly get you moving in the direction of TRUE Abundance. No complicated mumbo jumbo. Just simple, powerful, proven tools that work!
Best of all, once you learn these tools they’ll be part of your personal evolution toolbox for the rest of your life, and you’ll be able to use them whenever you feel the need for a little boost to your abundance quotient.
A Charged Field of Abundance Energy
One of the things I do before every call is charge the “field” with positive, abundance energy using techniques I learned in my energy medicine training and that I’ve honed and evolved during the past 14 years. But far more powerful than the charging that I do to prepare for the calls is the potent collective energy that we cocreate when we come together.
Our positive field of intention lifts us all up, even if you’re not on the live call. Our collective focus on abundance creates a powerfully supportive field of energy that supports you on your quest for TRUE Abundance.
Module 1: Kick the Scarcity Habit
Scarcity and lack are habits. They are not your natural state. They are not “reality.” In module 1 of the 30-Day Abundance Quest you will be given simple tools to help you “unlearn” the habit of scarcity. We’ll also spend time this module going over the details of the Quest.
Here are some of the highlights from module 1:
- Why UN-learning is the key to TRUE Abundance
- A simple but powerful Neutral Separation Technique for detaching yourself from other people’s belief’s about money and abundance (this will be a powerful tool in the Un-learning process)
- The 5-Step Abundance Quest Practice you will use to create a life of TRUE Abundance
Module 2: The Grandest Version of the Greatest Vision You’ve Ever Had
That’s a line from Neale Donald Walsch in his Conversations with God series. Somewhere along the way most of us turned off our capacity to dream big and imagine great possibilities and grand potentials.
During module 2 you’ll have the opportunity to remember and reactivate your capacity to dream big. As we move into the Shift, small, safe dreams don’t cut it anymore. The world needs all of us to dream and vision in much bigger ways.
Here are some of the highlights from module 2:
- Opening the door to desire. Unlike what some traditions teach, there is nothing wrong with desire. You’ll remember just how fun and exciting it can be to let yourself say YES to your desires.
- You’ll be guided through a powerful 5-year Life Vision process.
- You’ll access multiple exercises in the course workbook to get your dreaming “muscle” back into shape.
Module 3: Knowing What YOU Really Want
In module 3 we move to the 2nd Manifestation Key: Intention. Intention setting is the process of narrowing your focus and claiming what you really want. It’s putting your flag in the ground.
Desire is a good starting point, but intention is the powerful energy that will guide you through the process of manifesting what you want.
Here are some of the highlights from module 3:
- The most important thing to remember when asking others for guidance around your intentions.
- A dialoguing process for getting clear on your intentions
- The Intention Embodiment Meditation that will help you lock your intention into your body
Module 4: You’ll See It When You Believe It!
When it comes to the cause and effect relationship between beliefs and “reality” most of us have it backwards. We’ve been taught that we’ll believe something when we see it. As scientists have proven, reality “bends” to our beliefs. It’s only when you believe something that you’ll see it. In module 4 we’ll focus on the 3rd Manifestation Key: Belief.
Here are some of the highlights from module 4:
- Why the “power of positive thinking” should really be called the “power of positive believing”
- A powerful technique for discovering your core beliefs about abundance
- The body-based practice for replacing your old, disempowering beliefs about abundance with new empowering beliefs
Module 5: If Everything is Energy, Then Why Does It Still Hurt?
This module we move to the 4th Manifestation Key: Vibration. By now you’ve heard the phrase, “Everything is energy.” And while this is true at the level of atoms and subatomic particles, it doesn’t make it any less painful when you get sick, injured or feel the emotional pain from an insult or an old trauma, or continue to struggle to get the things you want.
The Vibration Key doesn’t minimize the reality of your physical experience, but it gives you another doorway through which you can accelerate the creation of what you want.
Here are some of the highlights from module 5:
- Learn what the word vibration actually means
- Discover the fastest way to diagnose your vibrational level
- Create YOUR unique vibration-raising toolbox
- Experience a rainbow light meditation that raises your vibration without fail
Module 6: Ready, Set, GO!
The previous four keys lay the groundwork for this, the 5th Manifestation Key of Action. If you take action without having your Vision, Intention, Beliefs and Vibration aligned, you’re going to create a lot of extra work and struggle for you.
On the other hand… doing the work to get those others keys into alignment without taking action is going to get you nowhere. However, when you line up the first four keys and THEN take action from that place… WATCH OUT!
Here are some of the highlights from module 6:
- How to know when to take action and when to wait and work on bringing the other keys into alignment
- Why disconnected action will always feel like you’re a hamster on a wheel
- Why aligned action will NOT always feel easy (hint: it has to do with your comfort zone)
- How to know the difference between sabotaging procrastination and productive gestation
- The technique that will get you taking action when the time is right (even if you don’t want to)
Module 7: Mission… POSSIBLE!
You have a mission here, a purpose, a reason that you are here. You have a unique message to share that comes from your unique life experiences. No one else can share YOUR message!
In Module 7 we’ll explore the next steps you’ll take as you continue your journey towards TRUE Abundance and to the ever-expanding expression of your purpose.
Here are some of the highlights from module 7:
- Why consistency is your most potent ally on your journey
- How to create personal systems that empower your abundance
- The simple, powerful process successful people use to start their day
- How to install an abundance gauge in your system that will let you know where you are in the manifestation process
About Edward Mills
Like you, Edward Mills has heard Abundance defined in many ways.
Is it financial freedom? Is it sufficiency? Is it acceptance? Is it limited to one area of life or does it embrace ALL of life?
With over two decades of personal, “real-world” exploration, along with over 12 years of coaching and teaching, Edward now defines True Abundance as a dynamic concept that encompasses all areas of life and balances a profound acceptance of what-is with an expansive vision of what is still to come.
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Edward understands the unique challenges that Modern-Day Mystics face on their path to true abundance.
He uses his own life as a laboratory to experiment and test out tools and processes before sharing the ones that will really help you claim your unique gifts and offer them in a way that leads to a life of True Abundance.
Before joining The Shift Network as the Summits Director, Edward Mills was a successful life and business Coach, seminar leader and telesummit producer. He has coached hundreds of individuals and small business owners, led virtual and in-person courses and retreats and interviewed many of the world’s top transformational leaders including Marianne Williamson, Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Bob Doyle, Rickie Byars Beckwith, John Gray and Bruce Lipton.
Edward is the co-author of two bestselling anthologies, Healing the Heart of the World: Harnessing the Power of Intention to Change Your Life and Your Planet and Align, Expand & Succeed: Shifting the Paradigm of Entrepreneurial Success. He is currently writing The Abundant Mystic: The Modern Day Mystic’s Path to a Life of Joy, Love and True Prosperity.
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