The tool breaks down some key facts about your audience, your product and your solution – then uses an in-built formula to process the information you’ve provided.
Lean Content Academy – Copy Generator Tool
It pays to be an early adopter…
We’ve just launched this brand new addition to our suite of tools – and until the weekend is out, you can pick it up for a hefty discount. Don’t miss out!
The Copy Generator: A Tool To Create Powerful, Persuasive Copy
Is your copy failing to connect with customers?
Are you:
❌ Struggling to persuade your prospects, even though you know you can help them?
❌ Unsure how to structure a sales or product page, in order to drive conversions and grow sales?
❌ Spending too long on what should be a straightforward process?
Yup. We’ve been there.
And that’s why we invented the Copy Generator.
Enter some basic info – and this tool turns your offering into persuasive, powerful sales copy
The tool breaks down some key facts about your audience, your product and your solution – then uses an in-built formula to process the information you’ve provided.
This turns your insights into a clear, ordered structure based on our extensive knowledge and experience of consumer psychology.
You’ll ensure that you’re giving your prospective customers the information they need to know. And as a result, you’ll close more sales and win more business.
Hi! I’m Aidan
I’m co-founder and creative director of Far From Avocados, one of Ireland’s most innovative content marketing agencies.
I also set up the Lean Content Academy to share some of the internal tools I built for our agency – such as the Advanced Content Roadmap Generator, our Content Marketing Checklist, our List Builder…
And this – our latest addition, after two years of successful internal trials, tweaks and refinements!
People REALLY love what we do
At first, we were a bit taken aback by this response
We didn’t expect several thousand sales in our first month of sharing our tools online. And while we knew our ‘secret weapons’ were powerful, we never for a moment thought the world would agree with us so emphatically!
But the more we thought about it, the more it made sense.
Our tools save time, create real value, and help marketers, agencies, business owners and sales professionals to achieve quality, consistency and growth.
Our tools help people to succeed
“Fantastic. Simple and yet distilled my ramblings into meaningful nuggets. Definitely helped me to then go back and refine things. Highly recommend to get your messaging clarified.”
Get immediately download Lean Content Academy – Copy Generator Tool
– Billie Jayne B C (via Facebook)
Follow the simple steps and revolutionise your copywriting process
Define the problem: This sheet is based on the PAS framework – Problem, Agitation, Solution. So let’s start with the P. What’s the issue your audience is facing, and why haven’t they already solved it?
Define the cost of the problem: What’s the agitation, or the ‘problem behind the problem’? What is motivating your audience to want to solve this – and what will happen if they don’t do something about it?
Break down your solution into granular fragments: Using the formulas that are preloaded into the spreadsheet, and based on your previous answers, you can break your offering down into simple understandable parts.
The key here is alignment – the format of this tool helps you to ensure you’re putting the right information into the right place at the right time.
Add in key elements of supporting information: Based on the science of decision-making, we’ve provided scope to include choice-authenticators such as authority (why they should buy from you) or social proof (evidence that others are doing the same).
Copy the outputs from the Output tab: The information from the first tab will flow into a special structure, designed and devised by us based on our extensive knowledge of consumer psychology.
This forms the basis of a killer sales page – and after a quick fine-tune, you’ll be ready to go live and start selling more.
‘One of our favourite in-house tools’
One-time purchase – no subscription needed
Lean Content Academy Copy Generator
578 Bytes
What is it?
It’s an Excel file containing a pre-programmed framework to create incredible, persuasive copy for a landing page, product page or sales page.
Why are you making it public?
Because it’s very, very good – and people want to buy it! We’ve now sold more than 12,000 products in the time since we first went live in May – and so, we know that the tools we use to run our agency offer a lot of value to the wider sales/marketing/entrepreneurial public.
What’s included in the download?
Two versions of the document – one blank and ready to use, and another filled out with sample data from a case study.
The product is currently available on Google Sheets only, though we plan to add an Excel and Numbers version in the coming days. If you purchase now, you’ll have access to all future versions.
Isn’t it a bit expensive?
Honestly? We don’t think so! A content strategist’s hourly rate can be anything from $100 to $250 (and beyond) – and whether you’re cutting down on outsourcing hours, or bringing it in-house, you’ll make the money back on a single hour’s savings.
If you are a strategist yourself, this will allow you to deliver more work in a fraction of the time, thus freeing you up and increasing your billable capacity.
And that’s before you even consider the impact that a solid content strategy will have on your business. That’s the big prize here – but really, you’ll make your money back on time savings alone.
Who are you?
We’re Far From Avocados – one of the top content marketing agencies in Ireland, having grown from 0 to six-figure turnover in just two years.
We love having robust processes in place, not because we’re nerds (though we are) – but because they allow us to focus more on the ‘human’ elements of content.
If we’re wasting less energy trying to commit our ideas to paper, we can invest a lot more in bringing them to life!
This tool is a perfect embodiment of that principle – hence why it’s so important to us!
Can’t I get this free from somewhere else?
Not this template, no – we developed this specifically for our own operations as a content agency, and it’s unique.
You will, of course, find many free content strategy templates on the internet. But none of them will do what this one can do.
(If they did, we wouldn’t have created this tool!)
What’s your refund policy?
We’ve been selling our tools for a few months now, and the feedback so far has been absolutely awesome – so we’re confident enough to offer a refund if you’re not satisfied with it.
Here’s the thing, though. We’re a small business, making our first steps into selling our expertise online – and once you’ve downloaded the file, that’s it. You have it, and we can’t stop you from using it even if we do give you your money back.
We’re offering this policy because we believe that people are fundamentally decent, and we’re confident in the tool: email if you’re really not satisfied, and we’ll sort out a refund for you.
Get immediately download Lean Content Academy – Copy Generator Tool
What we ask in return is that anyone requesting a refund will be honest, and will help us to improve – either by telling us why the product wasn’t what they thought it was, so we can improve our sales and marketing materials, or why it’s not at the standard they expected so we can make it better.
Seems fair, right?
What does it do?
It collects a series of small, easy-to-recall pieces of information about your audience, the problem you’re solving for them, and your solution – and fashions it into powerful ‘skeleton copy’.
Does it automatically write copy?
Yes, and no. While this takes the answers and inputs you provide – and shapes it into a clean-cut structure, with a predetermined flow – it can only work with the inputs you provide.
We call this skeleton copy – and in truth, it’s the most challenging and valuable part of the copy creation process. With the right structure in place, words are secondary in importance; and that’s coming from a very experienced writer!
But it’s important to note that this is not an AI tool, and it won’t magically infuse your copy with flair, personality or anything you haven’t already input.
Most of the time, the outputs from this tool will bring you 99% of the way there with only minor tweaks needed to touch it up before publication.
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