These are the formulas I use every time I want to create a new product in one sitting, write 5 blog posts without thinking, create 10 or 20 videos in an afternoon, make
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Robert Plank – Time Management on Crack
From: Robert Plank
RE: Your Time Management Skills
Tell me if this sounds anything like you: you’re always running late for everything, your day seems to pass like THAT, and you can’t always seem to deliver on all the promises you make to people.
You have a to-do list of to-do lists. There aren’t enough hours in the day. You seem to get distracted by every little shiny object that comes your way.
As a result of you being disorganized, you’re not making the money you want, and there’s no time to research and develop new strategies.
Here’s What All That Means To You…
- You want CONCRETE information. You might hear advice like “never check your email in the morning” or “spend less money than you make” but what are you supposed to do after you have more money and more free time?
- You want TAKEAWAYS. You don’t want to buy one home study course about how to create products, another on how to write articles, another one about how to write copy… another on how to create and market videos, write blog posts, and so on…
- You want it all RIGHT NOW. Quit your job in 9 years? Make your first $1 only after 6 months of hard work? That’s no fun. You’re better off getting immediate results!
In other words…
You Want Information You Can Use TODAY!
There is just too much information out there. On the other hand, I have attended many seminars that cost me $2000 or $3000 once you totaled up all the expenses, where I went home with two or three takeaways, and I was extremely happy.
The fact is, you aren’t going to become a success in the next 5 minutes, but making internet marketing work isn’t like pulling teeth either! Continue what’s making you money, and get rid of what loses you money. Little tips or “takeaways” will help you along.
This is important! You too can get the exact strategies I’ve used to become super successful.
What’s Most Important is…
Helping You Get To Where I Am…
I Want To Make You As Productive As I Am!
Who Wants Private Access To The Secret Formulas As I Use?
These are the formulas I use every time I want to create a new product in one sitting, write 5 blog posts without thinking, create 10 or 20 videos in an afternoon, make an e-mail follow-up series ten minutes before I launch a product, or whip up a sales letter in 60 minutes or less.
“You Give a Bunch of Formulas I Can Use!”
Your report, “Time Management on Crack“, shows me you shouldn’t plan further than tomorrow on paper. I have about 4-6 hours a week right now and I don’t get started because I’m wanting to “get it all down.” I can now see it is better to take a step each day in the time I have.
You’re making me set up simple systems so I can quickly get to a task instead of always re-thinking how to do something. You give a bunch ofthese simple systems, or formulas, that I can use. (like R.A.T.G.U.M. and P.A.I.N.T)
Every day for the next 7 days, I’m going to make progress every day.
Mike Winterthieme
There is information in here not just for newbies, but for experts as well. If you’re a newbie, I will give you the detailed step by step process. If you’re an expert I give you the repeatable formula. It all comes down to taking a path that’s already been paved for you…
“Goals Are Much Easier to Attain…
… If You Break Them Up!”You taught me that I could make more progress just doing accountability lists and focusing on 4 small tasks each day that moved me towards my goal. (You don’t even need a “real” accountability partner to do this!)
You reminded me that major goals are made up of many small tasks and that these goals are much easier to attain if you break it up into small pieces. You also get their much fast as well!
I am going to reevaluate where my business is and where is needs to go. This will help me focus and make sure my tasks are what I need to be doing. I haven’t set new goals for a while and I think a refocusing is in order.
Lance Tamashiro
“I Have Been Making Great Progress!”
I have been using the 4 daily tasks system since I met you guys and I LOVE it!!
It does indeed work and I give that one idea alone most of the credit for my success in moving forward.
I have been making great progress and I start each day with my top 4 priorities!!
Helen Raptoplous
“Find People Who Have Already Paid The Price…”
No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch.
To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.
Brian Tracy
Chairman & CEO, Brian Tracy International
“Dozens of Other Methods for Writer’s Block Don’t Work Consistently… But Your Technique Does!”
Your article writing formula is the only technique I’ve found that blasts straight through writers block. Even when my mind feels totally frozen, your method for creating headlines and outlines is like a jump start that gets enough momentum going for my writing juices to flow.
Get immediately download Haled Robert Plank – Time Management on CrackBelieve me, I’ve tried dozens of other methods to deal with writer’s block and none of them work consistently. But your technique does.
Really, there are so many outstanding ideas in TMoC, that each time I refer to it I find something that can improve whatever project I’m working on.
Recently, I created a digital product using your tips for theming my week. I got it written, along with a short sales letter, and listed for sale on a forum within that week. If I had used my old methods, it would still be on my hard drive waiting to become “perfect.”
My new product isn’t ‘perfect’ yet, but I’m adding improvements to it — and most important, I’m making sales!
The next 2 projects on deck are to use ‘Email Procedure 5A: Autoresponder Follow-Ups’ for the list I’ve started with the product, and ‘Video Procedure 6A: Create Videos Quickly’ to add some bonuses to the product so I can raise the value and the price.
In the 11 months since I bought ‘Time Management on Crack’, it’s helped me establish my writing business for immediate cash flow, and create and launch a digital product for passive income. I’m building real online businesses.
Audre Heisterberg
“Clearing Out the Mental Clutter = The KEY to Stay Focused in Overdrive!”
I LOVE your Time Management on Crack report!
Let me tell you why…
- As someone who has studied A LOT about time management, I learned the power of clearing space for short bursts and marathon sessions. Focus is extremely powerful, and clearning out the clutter (mentally) is a key to kicking the motivation to stay focused in overdrive!
- It reminded me to be, as I like to say, “like water” to keep moving not matter what and make progress everyday… because it all adds up before you now it!
- I’ve kept your Time Management on Crack report in view for quick refreshers on top of my desk within sight since I got it, and today I even wrote a kick-butt article for one of my small business blogs (not Internet Marketing) about taking action in this “new economy” and highly recommended your report as one of the essential resources! It’s that good.
Just wanted to say thanks for the Time Management on Crack 2.0 release…
I also upgraded to the IM Time Management video system; it sounds like it will be screamingly awesome!
I am loving all this productivity info and the cut-to-the-chase way you present it (instead of all these mega courses that take WAY too long to go through and then overload you with info that it’s so easy to get paralyzed)…
Gabrielle Fontaine
I know how you’re feeling. I was in the exact same position as you. I was running around with my head cut off… I was disorganized, and I didn’t get nearly as much done as I knew I could have.
Little by little, I stumbled upon these simple formulas, that don’t just work one time, but every time they’re used. And when I put them to use, I had more time, more energy, and got much more done in a shorter amount of time.
How would you like to do the same? The good news is, you can, starting today… with my step-by-step formula. I call it…
In The Time I’ve Had My Own Internet Marketing Business, Every One Of My Roadblocks Could Be Narrowed Down To 5 Distinct Areas…
And I wasn’t alone. When talking to my friends, I found they were having problems with the same exact 5 areas of their own businesses.
Here are the 5 central pieces critical to your success. I’m sure you’ll agree they were your issues as well…
- Online Marketing: How to get make money with freelancing, product creation, affiliate marketing, and site building
- Time Management: Find out how stay productive every single day and I wake up every morning looking forward to the day, and how you’ll look forward to the most menial tasks, even taking out the trash!
- Article Writing: Get instant authority, recognition and traffic… in other words, a hungry crowd of people who listen to everything you say, and buy anything you offer
- Content Creation: How to create a lot of content whether it’s in the form of short reports, full blown e-books, articles, videos… in a very short amount of time… and FINISH everything you start!
- Videos, Products & Traffic: How to market that content in a smart and easy way so you make more money and have more free time to enjoy more important things in life like travel, family, and hobbies
Today you can be on the fast track to success and get control of your time management skills inside of my brand new course, called Time Management on Crack.
Keep reading this page because you’ll quickly understand the value of this 100% unique training course. And you’ll wonder how you survived so long without it.
“Great Product At A Great Price!”
Robert, I must have a hundred books and other products on time management and yet
somehow you convinced me to choose yours — and made me glad I did.Great product at a great price!
David Deutsch
“Shares the Processes and Discipline That Helps Get So Much Done”
Robert Plank is one of those really annoying individuals that gets an endless amount done.
In “Time Management on Crack” Robert shares the “processes” he uses, but also the discipline that helps get so much done.
I have a book shelf full of Time Management books but in “Time Management on Crack” I discovered some great ways to boost my productivity.
John Deck
I know you would gladly pay $100 or even $200 or $300 if it meant you could shave off an hour every day and make your business $1000 or $2000 more profitable per year.
“Helping Me Complete My PhD”
Just so you know, your “Make Progress Every Day” chapter is helping me currently in completing my PhD in addition to all the other time management tips.
I got my pilot survey out and already have some responses. I know these are not business related just yet, but I see these as training me to get on more quickly with a business, sooner rather than later.
“Time Management on Crack” has more practical tips in one report than buying several reports from other marketers. I have purchased books, but your report is like a cheat sheet or checklist that gives a sense of how simple this can be.
I like the “get over yourself” angle because I know I can overthink something and end up getting little done.
Peggy Lumpkin
Step 1: Online Marketing
Learn From My Mistakes And Step Ahead Of The Crowd When It Comes To Marketing To Any Niche!
Discover My Marketing Shortcuts
So You Don’t Waste Any Time Building Your Business
- The only three steps you need to know for any internet marketing process, no matter what niche you market in, whether you use social media, e-mail marketing, site flipping, product creation, affiliate promotions, even freelancing.
- The little-known reason why I start and reduce the time it takes to make ANY decision by at least 80 percent whether it’s what to name my latest product, when to launch it, what to price it at, and so on.
- One simple tactic I learned from 10 years of freelancing and 4 years of college, that the bulk of my fellow graduates DON’T employ, that ensures any time I get bored with my current project or too excited about my next one, I can launch the product and move on instantly…
- What is the best frame of mind you can possibly have, and how I’ve used this mind state to write 25 articles in one plane ride, record 12 twenty-minute interviews in one morning, and record 50 five-minute videos in one day!
“Report is a Lacking Word for This
Mighty Piece of Work!”Time Management on Crack is an awesome report, and report is such a lacking word for this mighty piece of work. Slowly I have been implementing the ideals. I have been rabidly reworking several PLR products I have to make them a membership program. I am guilty of taking a bit longer than your recomendation in Time Management On Crack because I want it to be quality for affiliates to promote.
But Time Management on Crack gave me the foundation to make this happen.
Heck here I go wasting a review for your benefit when I should be doing it through an affiliate link…hahahaha..
I think I will write a longer review on my blog this weekend to post next week, this weeks posts are planned and mostly written…another thing I picked up from Time Management on Crack. Nice Work.
Scott Thrall
“Multi-Tasking Isn’t Working!”
I was on the fence about purchasing this report, and now I’m very glad that I did. There were lots of “ah-HA!” moments in it, and all of them highlight things that I’ve been doing wrong. In fact, I’m wincing, seeing how much more effective I could have been each day.
The funny thing is, people think of me as a super-productive person. What no one realized (including me, until I read this report) are the things that have been wasting my time and — even more importantly — draining my energy.
Here are just a few ways I’ve benefited from this tremendous report:
- I knew that interruptions cost me time and focus. However, I didn’t realize how much time. I also didn’t think of checking my email, Twitter, Facebook, etc. as “interruptions.”
- I’d read about the 60-second rule, but I’d forgotten it. This report explains it in a way that adds 100% more value to the concept.
- For the next week, I’m going to apply the “hot seat” approach, with a single focus and a countdown timer. Multi-tasking wasn’t working.
Aisling D’Art
“Incredibly More Efficient With My Time!”
I’ve Gotten incredibly more efficient with my time using the countdown “gong” method. It also limits how much time I devote to one task or project. (Not all projects are created equal.)
Wrote 1 and posted 2 blog posts this morning in 30 minutes. Used to take me 1 hour for each writing and posting.
Most importantly, you gave me “permission” to leave the computer during the day. Sounds dumb, but really, when you think of it, how much time is wasted sitting in front of the computer kidding yourself that you’re “working”. Uh-uh. Not any more.
Looking forward to the 4 tasks per day method, and all the other stuff.
You’re amazing, and thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Christine Hutt
Step 2: Time Management
Simplify Your Life Through Outsourcing,
Delete Bad Habits & Adopt Very Simple Rules
That Wishy-Washy Time Management Gurus
Will Never Teach You!
Quiet Down The Noise Of Your Inner Voice… Make Decisions Faster and Work Smarter When It Comes To Time-Wasters and Management Habits!
- How I sidestep all incoming and outgoing distractions that plague most internet marketers such as phone calls, e-mails, texting, forums, social networking, instant messaging, from just a few simple rules…
- The EXACT way to “outsource” WITHOUT getting carried away like most people… how it costs me under $100 per month to double my productivity…
- A secret way to justify every purchase you make… and quickly decide whether you should perform a task yourself, outsource it, or buy a canned solution!
- The single biggest way to get more accomplished every day… HINT: it involves doing LESS, not MORE… and chances are you are making this TOO COMPLICATED if you try it yourself!
- The only four things you need to do, ever!
“Overachiever Extraordinaire!”
That’s exactly how I think of Robert. Let me explain.
In February 2009 I asked Robert to share some of his time-saving tips with my viewers on a webinar. Naturally I expected him to do a great webinar – but he went another step beyond and created (from scratch!) the first version of Time Management on Crack.
But he didn’t stop there. He went on to revise it. Add to it. Even while he was launching one successful training program after another! The amount he accomplished just in 2009 would spin the head of even the most successful product producer!
But it didn’t stop there. He’s gone on to enhance Time Management on Crack. Adding more content. Adding videos. Adding more tips. Who knows where it will stop?
And the results of sharing so much great content – just in this ONE program? It is by far the BEST, practical application program you can buy on getting more done – and doing it quickly.
Bottom line: Buy it now and enjoy the continued benefits of Time Management on Crack for years to come!
Dr. Jeanette Cates
“Hurry, Hurry! And BOOM, Job Done!”
I particularly liked the making a decision in a few minutes best.
It allows me to get a blog post done super quickly.
I challenge myself to do it… race against the clock like you suggested… that works man!
I also started to use it for Photoshop jobs too. Give myself 5 minutes to finish a PS project. Blam. Race against the clock… Hurry, hurry! And BOOM job done!
It’s a good idea… it works well when you actually use it in your daily schedule.
A lot of good ideas there.
Martin Hurley
“Knocking Out 500-700 Articles
In 15 Minutes”I loved the book. It helped me in a lot of things. I ended up buying a bunch of your stuff all at once right after this program.
What Ive learned from you about copywriting and writing articles fast has been a monster help alone. I can’t do 7 minute articles yet but I am knocking out 500-700 articles in 15 minutes and usually in batches so they fly very quick.
That alone was worth every bit and more!
Have an awesome weekend and thank you for all the great stuff you put out.
Ely Delaney
Step 3: Article Writing
You Too Can Make…
An Article in a Commercial Break,
A Handful of Articles in Under an Hour,
And 12 Months of Articles in One Afternoon
- Why you should never spend more than seven minutes writing an article… what three steps you can apply in 60 minutes to speed up your article writing time by at least 33 percent… and the five simple steps I’ve always taken, for years, that cost me $400 of research to discover!
- How to turn one article idea into 56 different articles… enough content to fill up a year’s worth of weekly blog posts, article submissions, or e-mail follow-ups… using my unique article replication formula…
- The easy way to edit your content by checking for four simple “red flags” so that you can turn a 20 to 100 page document rough draft into a final draft in faster than you can take a shower!
- How to write your sales letter in lightning speed by answering the only six questions that really matter when trying to sell anything! I regularly use this formula to write sales letters in one sitting… 1000% times faster than my competition.
“Going to Start Video Blogging for the First Time This Weekend!”
One thing this report taught me was your Article Replication Formula that shows how to product 56 articles from one idea.
I’ve bought a lot of products and knew the core internet marketing material covered. Your one-page summaries and action checklists have organized the information well, so that I can get a one minute review of the highlights and then follow the steps to get it done.
This weekend, I’m going to start using your 5×10 video creation formula to start video blogging!
David Burch
“You Won’t Achieve Much Unless You’re Organized!”
What your product taught me (as a 53yr old) was that it is worthwhile revisiting issues you have learned all through your life because there is always something new to learn, or to help you remember and employ the things you’ve forgotten.
It reinforced, yet again, that you won’t achieve much unless you are organized.
What I will do in the next 7 days to improve my organization? Well, perhaps close down Tweetdeck and Outlook while working so they are less of a distraction.
Get immediately download Haled Robert Plank – Time Management on CrackRobert Plank qualifies as the one man who excels at getting me to open my PayPal account every time he brings out a product. They are that good that I rarely even bother to read his sales letters anymore.
In terms of value for money, no-one on the internet provides the fantastic products, backup service and sheer depth of information that Robert Plank does.
Ric Raftis
Step 4: Content Creation
Shrink Your Blog Posting Time from
2 Hours into 15 Minutes…
and Get an Increase in Quality?
- Exactly how to use the R.A.T.G.U.M. formula to never run out of ideas for blog content… this is the exact system I use to whip up a new blog post anytime I want in 15 minutes or less (it’s usually more like 5 minutes), and why I usually have six months of blog content scheduled for all my blogs!
- How to optimize your blog for traffic, comments and subscribers — most marketers will only optimize for two or less — but you get the checklist of everything you need to turn your blog into a money-making machine without digging through any blogging courses…
- Instantly fill up a post-sale e-mail list with 7 days, 30 days, even 180 days of follow-ups using the P.A.I.N.T. system to super simplify autoresponder content creation…
“Compressed One Week into One Day”
I loved the article action plan. It has really allowed me to create some urgency in my business and I have become a lot more productive.
The 3 prong marketing strategy of Articles, Forum posts and Videos is also great as it is easy to do and creates both traffic and SEO results.
What has it allowed me to do? Well yesterday I moved a product to its own wordpress blog, added content, added in the shopping cart, set up an autoresponder, wrote the manuals and a free guide to go with the product . In one 5 hour day! That would have taken me a week at least.
Can’t wait to start work on the delivering the videos! It is so simple it is criminal!
Written in 1 minute 23 secs!
Jason Hulott
“So Much More Than Time Management… Releasing My First Product This Week!”
I loved Time Management On Crack, it’s about so much more than time management… really it’s a very concise guide to all the key things you need to do to get your internet marketing business off the ground and stay motivated at the same time.
I found the sections on turning one article into 56, “bare essence” copywriting techniques, Digg headlines and your video ideas to be the most helpful.
I’ll be releasing my first product by the end of this week (hopefully using some of your PHP scripts to assist with sales & marketing), even though I’m just getting started on it today.
Kurt Inman
Step 5: Videos, Products & Traffic
Imagine You Creating 50 Videos In A Single Day or Even 8 Full Sales Letters In One Day…
The Best Part Is: I Did It…
And Now I’m Ready to Get You to Do it Too!
- How you can create videos quickly (includes my 5×10 approach for recording 50 videos in a day) that you can use to build up your YouTube account, submit to multiple video sites, use as pre-sell content or use as follow-up content… use it however you like!
- How to market the videos you create and what four key elements to check for to ensure your videos are monetized for maximum effect…
- Create a product using the articles and videos too good to give away, what to price that product at, how to package it (short report, e-book, bundle, or home study course), and how to setup your product funnel and affiliate commission… almost no thinking required!
- Get people looking at your offers, blogs, articles and videos using the only three traffic methods you should ever care about.
“Found Myself Starting To Think In Terms Of Repeatable Systems That Work!”
I love that you show the advantages to the bottom line in creating quantity with quality quickly over perfection later.
The big “takeaways” for me from Time Management on Crack are
1) the consistently uncompromising attitude and single-minded focus about getting things done fast that you project throughout the entire book
2) your easy-to-follow system on getting stuff done sooner rather than later
3) the way you demonstrate the critical advantage of keeping things shippable to maintain momentum
4) that by end of the book, I found myself starting to think in terms of repeatable systems that work
Also it helps greatly that you practice what you preach.
Roger Easlick
“52 Weeks of Autoresponder Messages
Done in a Day!”
Heard other marketers extol the glories of “ready fire aim” but can’t seem to do it?
In “Time Management on Crack” Robert Plank provides a compendium of cheat sheets that should help any struggling internet marketer.
Need to write articles, auto responder messages or sales letters? Robert